Surprise Rally & a Hike
Everything below is a mix of what I observed and heard during the event. The goal isn’t to pinpoint "who exactly said what," but to share (usually) an outsider's view and overall perspective on these industries. I’m not here to act as a definitive firsthand source—readers should do their own research. I hope this inspires you to attend events, explore new industries, and hear what leaders are presenting. These notes combine my observations with thoughts on how things could run smoother and how ideas connect (IMO). I’m not an expert, you know? Just hanging out in the room with them. Enjoy!
Topics Covered: Politics, Rallies, Protests, Propaganda, Corruption, Abortion, Human Trafficking, Entrepreneurship, Nature
Initial Conference Overview: I had no clue this event was happening till I stumbled upon it and decided to check it out. This is more of a bonus-blog that I didn’t intend to write, but I stumbled upon this event on my way to a different event. And, I don’t to only cover “things I like” or have rules on what I cover on this website. I think it’s good to cover many perspectives, though… I will also tell you my perspective as I see others’ perspectives. It’s just going to be my style. My perspective is that there is a lot more horrible stuff going on in the world than people realize and Trump is fighting hard to stop it. Sometimes information gets really mixed up in the media, and egos are involved, so it all is very complicated. At the same time, it is so hard to know anything for sure . But, I went to this event more for “curiosity” instead of “support”, though I still support pieces of it, as well.
Photo Collage & Commentary
Event(s) Notes
How did I end up at an anti-inauguration rally the day before inauguration as more-of-a-trump-fan-than-not… Well, while I was on the subway, I saw a woman showing off her poster (again, I love the subway cause you get more opportunities to meet people or overhear event recommendations, etc. It’s also so much cheaper, you can rest your eyes, it’s healthy to do a little walking there & back, etc etc. Anyway, so on my subway ride, I saw a woman with a poster and it was very Anti-Trump. Then, the subway wasn’t working properly (that had some construction at one of the stations) so everyone had to leave. Then, I meant to follow the crowd to the shuttle bus (which turns out was like… you find it by not moving) and instead I followed the crowd to what I soon realized was an anti-Trump’s Inauguration Rally/march.
I’ll be blunt, as far as I can tell, I like Trump much more than I don’t like him. And I’ve already had my fair share of years “not liking him AT ALLLL!!!!!” But, now that more and more adds up, I realize he’s got a huge campaign against him that REALLY worked on me for a long time. The more I learn about the more intricate parts of the stock market, line up problems I’ve seen in the media world with child actors, and watched the skies fill with chemtrails day after day… it’d be exciting to see all of these held accountable and the average life improve for America & it’s economy/the world, in a ripple effect.
Trump addresses the issues with AMC, GME, MMTLP head on. He promises to finally bring justice and market transparency to all of the retail investors. I think there is a lot of propaganda and confusion on all sides of politics- believe me. Especially with Ai enhancing and making it nearly impossible to tell who/what online is real or fake. Even in person… and even now with bots commenting, it’s all becoming a blur. 😅. What in the world does the future hold!??!?!?!
But, for now, too many things up that I am trusting (hopefully) Trump is really not being as bad as people fear. That we’re headed to a great era in our world history- but agaiN!!! I don’t know. I’m not an expert. I don’t know what the future holds. But from what I’ve seen, from my perspective, I think he’s going to lead us to a good few years… at least worth a try compared to where we were headed. I think a lot of that will come forward to more mainstream public soon (at least some of the stories I was seeing) that… idk. There’s just a lot of horrible torture happening to humanity right now. I really hope (and believe as much as I can at the moment) that this group is working to improve the average human life, improve the quality of the American middle class’ experience, they are fighting for more that I agree with is “good” than evil, despite what reports say, despite what this type of rally is pushing.
It takes 4-7 times of telling someone something to get them to finally un-believe a lie… Like, if it’s the opposite of what the initially believed, it takes so many times to say “okay, I was joking” for them to finally switch. It’s a little hard to explain, so let’s say I told you, “I’m a twin”. But then later I said, “no I’m not, btw” . You’d probably think when I said, “I’m not a twin” was when I was lying, cause actually I started with the lie. So then it’d take 4-7 times to say the truth to finally get you to believe it. My former business partner told me that ‘fun fact’.
I say this ,cause it’s how I felt about Trump in the past, too. I have not been there to see it all - or even kept up toooo extremely deeply with the gossip of his work, business or politics…
What I do know, is what I’ve seen now that I’ve started paying more attention, is that he makes a lot of sense about a number of things. The one I agree most with is his view on our economy and our stock market. The stock market is a complete disaster. I hope he takes charge of this, fixes our broken system, and holds those accountable who deserve it.
At the same time, I’m not a fan of how spectacular and controversial he likes to be sometimes, so un-self aware (or maybe it’s extremely intentional “trust the process” time will tell?). But as of now, I think its really upsetting and divisive. However, there are some truly evil things that he is promoting to be fighting against. If he follows through on fighting these things, I will be so proud, I think most of us will be - when we find out how much things are getting better. Specifically, I mean with children and trafficking :( unfortunately. If he can get this to stop, and a number of things that go along with this… I’d be thrilled.
In addition, I love what RFK Jr. is bringing to the table with his advocacy for cleaning up our food, water, skies. I mean… we need it. We desperately need it. The skies here are so upsetting, flooded with chemtrails and cloud seeding. It is not natural and it gives this instant artificial cold. Call me crazy, but it’s easy to identify for me.
I think there is a lot more going on “overall” however you wanna take that, then we’re told… but for sure, looking at RFK Jr, his good attitude, his healthy lifestyle, and his advocacy for a cleaner environment for everyone to consume. I’m all about that!!
Lastly, I’ll address my views on abortion, since we’re going there, we’re going into politics, and it seems to be the biggest topic that you hear when peopel talk about Trump. You know the theory (and I think it has been proven) of why people want to make abortions a littel harder to get??? Go learn what they do with the babies after. Learn about our former VP’s work with Planned P&renth00d and how they use the bodies of these kids they’re aborting. That’s all I’m going to say about that side of the argument. I believe there is more than meets the eye to this and making abortions just a little less common isn’t the worst idea (though ‘birth prevention’ is important since we have the technology!) I did hear that something like over 90% of abortions are used as just like “backup” for birth control, so… I mean, the whole field of “birth control” needs to be researched more so there are safe alternatives. But even getting abortions has its risky health side effects as well. And even sometimes it can be very unrealistic to put a timeframe on the abortion… only in the sense: you can literally try your best to get an abortion asap but the schedules are full and/or things can happen.
Example: You find out you’re pregnant at 5 weeks, call for help… they can’t see you for 2 more weeks, then you go in, get the abortion (98% chance success rate). They tell you it takes up to a month to find out if it worked or not, a month later you check again… that’s why you’ve been sick, you’re still pregnant.. then you go to get it AGAIN (cause you’re not allowed to have a baby who has been attempted to be aborted ONCE because it could have severe medical issues) so then you finally go get a second abortion (non-pill style) when they have time weeks later. By then, you’re 11 weeks in.
This is an example of how someone can literally try their hardest to be prompt, but it can take 11+ weeks to get the process done.
At the same time, of course there are the questions/ethics of humanity, life, unborn/born, when does life start? all of these things - and everyone has a different opinion, and maybe even your opinion changes over time.
Regardless of your take on if it’s “right” or “wrong” - the process can take WAY longer than expected. So even if you truly intend to get the abortion taken care of ASAP, you can still end up getting it done months later. The whole program has issues and it’s not an easy to topic.
It is a big issue, but I think there are other issues also super important he’s standing for that will help us all a LOT!! Like the stock market and economy being more transparent and accountable. Healthier air, land, food.
From what I know, Trump does not want to make abortions illegal nation wide. Instead, he wants each state to choose - at least that’s what I’ve heard him say time and time, again. For me? I think that the entire process, needs to be better understood and explained from a place of education, data, statistics, and true intended kindness/help… from many perspectives. We need more knowledge graphs on these things.
And better sex education in general!!! Love education!! Relationship education…. etc etc. Better understanding of humanity, if they’re serious.
So, overall… I think that events like this are great for people to host… you know, it’s good to get out there and fight for what you believe, find community and work together. I think it’s a gentle reminder to myself and everyone, that EDUCTION is the most important thing. You know, it’s always good to be a community that learns and dives deep into knowledge and what is available.
And if you really want to fight for women’s rights, look around and see there are woman worldwide suffering even more severely than here. So, spend your time working on the present, not only just what you fear MAY come. What if you get started taking action now and do both at the same time? Let the present prepare you for the future as well, if you’re really putting this much energy into women’s rights. That topics NEEDS help, NOW!
I also did like all the creativity that went into the sign making. It reminded me of being in London right after leaving China, and there was a rally going on, and I was like “hell yeah!! I am so excited to be at this protest!! yes!!” like so hyped to be at a protest, lol. My point is like, it feels cool/good - awesome for pics, fun to make posters that are clever and sassy - but… that may be a big reason you’re attending if you’re being honest. Put that passion into research, too!! But, again, I need to continue hearing my own words. I think lifelong learning is essential.
There is no possible way that these guys are wrong on everything!! (okay, there is statistically) but I mean, likely they’re not. Likely they’re spot on about a lot of things - we can all agree!!! We have more in common than not, though, this crowd that is very upset about this inauguration. However, I do think that there is a lot of common ground between people - but maybe the more people talk, educate, and share… the better.
As I said, I found this event from seeing someone with a DOGE poster. At first, I thought to myself, WOW! I am hyped to see her with that poster. It’s so brave and I’m yet to see anyone promote this in Seattle. I, myself, even want to understand it more. A few people were taking pictures, so I went to do the same… But then when I saw it was her criticizing him with those letter, I thought: oh… less surprising. And, I wonder what her angle/thoughts are.
It was interesting to attend this event and collect perspectives. As I said, as of now, I really think that he is fighting for a lot of good, and we have an exciting future to look forward to. A better economy, better skies, cleaner food, better schools, home buying is realistic for peopel again, maybe even MOASS! But… let’s see.
Some of the things being said over the loud speaker included:
Every one of us came from females when we were born. We’ve got to honor and respect the females of all races in response.
We’re here on the land that was taken from our ancestors. We have to love each other, get together, and help each other.
Mother Earth depends on you.
My message is equality. Equal pay for all women. I know what that’s like, trust me, I’m an ex-law enforcement. And I was a good officer, yet my male colleagues were always paid more. I made less money. I know what it feels like.
There are so many marginalized females.
This march is for equality and justice and to chose our body rights.
-Finally, my event I was headed to was a “Hiking for Founders” event. An alternative to networking at bars. This event was very fantastic. It was a great use of time in so many ways and now I’m like, omg I want to hike more!!! It was also really cool to hear what such well read, intelligent, and risk-adverse people were interested in talking about (I mean, hello! Entrepreneurs are quirky folk). Some topics included:
Humanoid Robots becoming mainstream… when?
Defensive Ai and Military Investing
How to host events with success (identify your goals ahead of time and base everything around them)
Practicing speaking up for yourself, and how hard that is to do these days.
Chatter about suing people, is it worth it?
Discussion on how common it is for small businesses to end up in litigation :(
Expectations for how Ai will affect our daily life… will it completely change things within the next 1-5 years?
I list these above not to try and snoop on these people (it was a small group, so I don’t want to go too in depth for something like this. It’s not like this was an event where people were sharing professional ideas at a keynote, it was chatter). But, I share this because it is a reminder to myself, too… it is so fantastic to get out of your circle and hear what others are talking about.
This day made me really want to:
go hiking more
talk to entrepreneurs more!!
I’ll leave you all with that…. looking forward to the next event!!
Until next time, I wish you the motivation and success to search for opportunities around your area. Search and explore: Who is out there giving talks? There are new things happening all of the time
Find relatable or interesting topics you like and check them out! Maybe even something hosted at a cool venue, if there’s no other reason to go. Let’s see what you can learn and discover not too far from home. 😊