Vision Board Workshop, 2025

Everything below is a mix of what I observed and heard during the event. The goal isn’t to pinpoint "who exactly said what," but to share (usually) an outsider's view and overall perspective on these industries. I’m not here to act as a definitive firsthand source—readers should do their own research. I hope this inspires you to attend events, explore new industries, and hear what leaders are presenting. These notes combine my observations with thoughts on how things could run smoother and how ideas connect (IMO). I’m not an expert, you know? Just hanging out in the room with them. Enjoy!

Topics Covered: Manifestation, Goal Setting, Personal Growth and Development, Entrepreneurship, Abundance Mindset

Initial Conference Thoughts - Why Attend? Vision boarding appears to be VERY popular these days, everyone is doing it! It makes sense, it’s a fun activity to do now that we’re all out of the house and need to find motivation for our dreams. This event was promoted with “money/finance” as the topic of envisioning, so I thought that’d be interesting. To be honest, lately I’ve made multiple vision boards. If you’re a follower of this blog, you’ll know I just attended one two blogs ago - if not last blog! Then I even taught my daughter to make one and we went through magazines making one for her. THEN I made two more for myself after that event… so, yeah. They’re actually really nice for the way I think. They’re a nice way to map out your dreams and things that seem obvious to you.

Conference Overall Ratings: Venue (4/5) - Food (3/5) - Speaker Content (4.5/5) - Networking Opportunity (3.5/5) - Likeliness to Return (4/5) —- more details below

Photo Collage & Commentary

Event Notes

  • Arrival:

    • I arrived just a few minute early. Lately, I arrive a few minutes late and events are full-blown begun. Since I had to get going earlier this time, I arrived early. But there was no one to greet me, and then the first person I talked to acted like I was speaking another language/rolled out of a garbage can.

      • The reason I am making a bit of a deal over this is cause I felt I stood out a lot. Why? Well, I thought to myself, “holys*it is this a ‘business formal’ event?” cause I had a “Mommy and Me” dance class which I’d actually leaned more towards dressing.

      • It turns out they had a worksheet that was part of this event called, like, “assess your dress” and you were supposed to look at the way you present yourself and rate it!!! So, I think actually the girl who I spoke to was leading that topic. So, I get why she was head-to-toe, like “girl! are you looking at a mirror” —- but I was mid/travel, just arrived, okay?

    • Then again, I had a HUGE backpack on me - my daughter’s travel car seat (though for a car seat it’s actually tiny and only 8lbs) and a sorta (okay… I mean) a little bit of a dirty-ish jacket? So, idk? hahahah, these days, you never know who anyone is. But I did look like, okay, where did this girl come from and why does she have this huge backpack/whole scene going on.

      • But then I adjusted my outfit, put down my hair, and hit ‘em with a “polished glow” for my reemergence from the powder room. It was better received - just like, not having all that crazy stuff on me + reassembling. Perception is key.

    • It’s just like, I don’t appreciate when you ask someone for help, "they’re like idk. And you’re like, oh, I thought you were a leader here. And they’re like, “yeah I am, but figure it out for yourself. “ Just like, yeah, I expect you to respect me later when I’m going to present soon but i’m not THE leader, figure it out for yourself… it’s like, treat others how you want to be treated.

      • Just cause you’re “semi-in-charge” doesn’t give you super powers to act too cool, hello! Don’t you actually wanna charm your future audience?

      • In event settings, customer experience matters from the moment you walk into the door. There was no greeter and instead I felt like I’d walked into the wrong event.

      • Luckily, I brushed it off, finger-brushed my hair, tucked in my shirt, and carried on - deciding to blog about it later hahahaha!

    • You could see lots of books were setup, lots of bags and giveaways.

    • Also, there was just an incredible setup at this place, lots of scissors and paper set out.

  • Event Start

    • The event started about 20 minutes after the time it was scheduled to begin, which I was mostly disappointed about because I wanted to get started right away since I needed to leave early. In the beginning they were just letting people mingle and chat and get coffee (which wasn’t even prepared ahead of time!)

      • I think they had to start late cause they were waiting for everyone to get drinks + scrambling a little to find more seats cause people just kept arriving one after the other hahah. I think this location appealed to many, now that I think about it. Maybe cause it was on the weekend as well?

    • There were a few logistical things that were just like, not the most sensible to me… it’s like, I get why you’re serving coffee this way, you’re a coffee shop… but I dont’ get why you didn’t have coffee brewed/ready before this big event with 50+ women here, all waiting in line to get a drink. Especially if it’s just drip coffee… seems “self serve” could even do just so we can get started with this project!

      • (but I think the restaurant wanted to make more money from people ordering more drinks - its like too many people were trying to be pleased - yet the turnout was huge!! so who am I to judge, for real!!!)

    • Even so, the last time I went to a collage event, they didn’t give a speech in the beginning, you just jumped right into collage. So this time, I realized it was super different, and they were prepping to give a big speech.

    • They also ended up having the presentation on a screen taped to the window because their screen-holder broke. I have seen this happen many times, where it appears peopel don’t do tech rehearsal. I wonder if people don’t really care and will still come to their next event. I mean, this event was CROWDED hahah. And people seemed happy - so I wouldn’t be surprised if people brushed it off.

    • The presentation was a little hard to hear because of the microphone audio and the restaurant had music playing. So I asked the restaurant to turn off the music after a minute or so - they were like “oh yeah!” and then that helped. :D


    • First a girl spoke about the event and her business, I wasn’t able to hear too well, but here’s what I picked up:

      • This event is to help you grow your business and your dreams as an individual.

      • This book we’re giving you is about teamwork.

      • We are selling boxes that are sent to CEO’s once a month with different things inside like mud masks, notepads, cute pens, and inspiring books.

      • $67/month + free shipping.

        • I wondered to myself how much money they’re making in this business?? That sounds niche. I also feel like it sounds like something you’d gift someone, idk why. But not give yourself… is it just me?

    • There is a local event you can join that’s called “crunch and brunch” which is focused on financial literacy, healthy living, and entrepreneurs. It’s about community building


    • At 17 years old, I was very awkward. I also had a scarcity mindset. All actions I made were with the thought that things were limited. I felt everything around me was limited.

    • Scarcity mindset can take away from your whole potential. It’s the opposite of abundance mindset.

    • With a scarcity mindset, you are not allowing yourself to become the full person you can become.

      • Many women who have started their own businesses feel this same way.

    • She wanted to figure out how she can impact and help her community.

    • There is power in visualization, imagining the world and your future. Then working towards it.

      • Vision boards can really make things happen. Its the power of what you envision and create.

      • You embody that future and empower it.

    • The actions you take must be aligned with possibility.

    • Start by writing down your intentions.

      • Write down how you want to FEEL this year?

    • Success? What does success look like to you?

      • Use numbers as much as possible. Then you can track and see how things are going.

    • Once you’ve made your vision board, put it somewhere you will often see. Make it the background of a device so you see it constantly. Put it somewhere you go all the time.

      • Vision boards are images that show what you want to accomplish.


    • Studies show that when you write down your goals, you’re 42% more likely to actually achieve them.

      • How do you take your goals and make them into actionable steps?

      • Our words are so powerful.

    • Gamify your goals with bingo. Get out a piece of paper or go on “Canva” and make your bingo sheet for the year. It’s fun to make and celebrate with milestones.

    • Be realistic with your goals.

    • Imagine what your world will look like with these goals achieved.

    • Set SMART (specific measurable achievable relevant and time-bound) goals.

    • Last year, her goal was to host a wellness summit. Never had done anything like this before, but she started off by writing down her goals. They were very specific for how she wanted things to workout.

      • She hosted it with yoga, panels, goodie bags.

    • Write down your goals in the present, as if it’s happening now.

      • Write down specifically what you want the day to look like and how you feel when you’ve achieved your goals.

      • Based off what you want things to look like, put a visual together.

      • Embody the woman you want to become.

      • Take action steps to make your dreams a reality.

    • Use numbers to track your success and see how you’re doing with goals. Write down as much as possible.

    • Give yourself a deadline. This will get you to do the work.

    • It’s fun to motivate yourself that all things are possible.

  • “Imagine your year is sets of 12 weeks, not 12 months. Repeat this. It makes your life easier to work with and get things done. You’ll push yourself that much more.”

  • Working on Collage / Time for Me to Go

    • I had to leave just as the work was getting started. I noticed a few things on my way out which may have been smart for them to keep mind of next time.

    • They seemed to realized they’d really overbooked this event more than they’d expected. There were hardly enough seats for everyone.

      • (I’m cracking up, peopel these days are loving manifesting and vision boarding!! hahah, myself included).

    • And so it just felt like what appeared to be an abundance of supplies upon arrival, ended up feeling like “hardly enough” once things got started.

Conference “Overall Rating” Further Elaboration:

  • VENUE - 4/5

    • Allow Me to Elaborate: This venue was not big enough for this crowd!! But it was still a very nice place. Great atmosphere and very beautiful. Though it was not the best setup for the audio/visuals… still it was totally fine.

  • FOOD - 3/5

    • Allow me to Elaborate: It was nice but a little unorganized… I think they tried it and it sorta worked, but idk if they’d do this same setup again. Just was a little impractical to have everyone get served coffee/alcohol by the venue, but with a delay… maybe it could have been sorta self-serve or more prepped somehow.


    • Allow me to Elaborate: I love a speech filled with insights!! It was packed with useful info and motivation. It would have been cool to go longer or used time a little different - but, I loved what we got.


    • Room for Improvement: There were many women here, as I said 100 times. I think it was a neat chance to meet people, but you also could keep to yourself - which I’m a little more interested in these days.


    • Room for Improvement: Yeah I’d like to see more events by this group. I’ll dress even better next time - hahah - and see what else is in store :)


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