Elevate and Manifest Your Vision!!
Everything below is a mix of what I observed and heard during the event. The goal isn’t to pinpoint "who exactly said what," but to share (usually) an outsider's view and overall perspective on these industries. I’m not here to act as a definitive firsthand source—readers should do their own research. I hope this inspires you to attend events, explore new industries, and hear what leaders are presenting. These notes combine my observations with thoughts on how things could run smoother and how ideas connect (IMO). I’m not an expert, you know? Just hanging out in the room with them. Enjoy!
Topics Covered: Entrepreneurship, Manifestation, Goals, Networking, Small Business, Financial Advisors, Empowerment
Initial Conference Thoughts - Why Attend? This event promised practical insights and takeaways for individuals running their own businesses and actively trying to make their dreams a reality. It sounded like just my kinda of people, with plenty of variety offered throughout.
Conference Overall Ratings: Venue (5/5) - Food (5/5) - Speaker Content (5/5) - Networking Opportunity (4/5) - Likeliness to Return (5/5) —- more details below
Photo Collage & Commentary
Notes from Conference—
Travel There:
I just want to mention that I semi-napped on my way there. First on the bus, then on teh train. Life has been so busy lately, and it is nice to shut eye and turn-off a little. My point is: I’m the same person on a bus as driving a car - good thing I wasn’t driving, huh?? I mention all the time I sold my car - I’m telling you!! It’s worth it. I love having the time traveling to nap, read, listen, learn, think… whatever… not “focus on driving”. Life is better without a car, in my world.
It’s funny, too, cause (i’ll overshare again), I kinda had made a wish upon a star the night before. I wished for life to jump into hyper speed again, starting “tomorrow”. I believe that when you feel like life is going in hyperspeed, it’s a good indication. Now, you just need to make sure you’re prepared and always working hard when this happens. But it means things are moving forward on your journey.
I wished for it the night before, then caught myself saying aloud the next day, “feels like life is going in hyper speed lately” - which is so funny, cause up till that day, it hadn’t - that’s why I wished for it. But things are picking up lately, and it is funny to wish for what you want.
I had just watched a video on that the other day, how you can really manifest things, but you must challenge ‘life’ to bring it on.
Also, on the train, I realized I’ll introduce myself as an entrepreneur tutor for kids. Lately, my career is so transitional, it’s hard to say in a sentence. But for sure I do this and I do that well!! And I do it for everyone, hahah, not just kids - but, its a good place to start in a quick intro.
Actually, I was especially excited to explore Pioneer Square more. It’s the coolest part of the city. Well, idk about that but it’s such a fantastic neighborhood with so many things to discover, so much history, great buildings… I think it has so much potential and culture - but atm it’s a little overrun with homelessness and mayhem. However, I like to go see for myself how much of that is exaggeration and how much is reality.
I didn’t find it too bad at all. Actually, lots of places are so cute!!! It’s definitely a little sketchy but fun to go there with a goal in mind.
- Upon arrival, I instantly realized I was underdressed. I told them I lived nearby-ish (not true… but there is a goodwill nearby-ish, and I was willing to go there and get something for <$20 hahah. They were super nice, though, and like, not necessary at all!! It seems like I hardly made the cut (or at least in my mind). As more people arrived, I saw that I fit in mostly alright. I’m super glad I wore my “mediumly-stylish” shoes, I wasn’t sure how dressed up I’d get, but like… I could have done more, but luckily I was “just enough” Just a little underdressed.
I loved how (spoiler alert!! And I rarely spoiler alert events btw, so you’re welcome: later they said “don’t let Seattle get the best of you” step it up in your attire”. It’s true… these past few weeks… maybe even MONTHS! I’ve not stepped it up too much. Maybe more “weeks” - but I think I say “months” cause maybe that’s where it was trending without that little wakeup call.
I think this was a fun and good reminder! Don’t let Seattle get the best of you, keep your class/sass/and fashion crass rockin’.
Next, I was warmly welcomed by the event host. He told me about the different stations to check out, though it was a lot to take in. There were so many things to do and see, I loved it!! He also thanked me for arriving on time (I was 15 min late or so, but if you are a true fan, you’ll see that sometimes showing up 5 min late is even “cutting it close”) so then later, I realized the “main event” wasn’t till 2 hours later, just about. Even so, the time flew. There was plenty to check out and interact with:
I even told him, “Wow! you didn’t advertise food.’ He said, “I know”, cleverly.
- So, first things first, I went to the bathroom and assessed my outfit - and figured out what to take over to the coat rack. Next, I want to say something about “my hair” which may sound rude/cocky at first, but my intention is to show the feeling/payoff of not giving up over time (and how its actually useful to have long hair for situations like this, when suddenly you realize you’re underdressed):
Also, I just want to say I always grew up envying these cool/beautiful girls at my school who had long, amazing, full, luscious hair.
Then one day in adulthood, I realized, that could be me too - legit!! (it sounds stupid, but I just thought I wasn’t allowed for some reason).
I wouldn’t be someone with great, long hair. IDK why.
Then, over the years I went through some spells of feeling super down at times. And sometimes, I’d just feel so angry or upset I’d cut my hair. Actually, for most of my life, I cut my own hair. I don’t like paying for it, I can do it myself, and it just takes practice. Plus, you can always go back and fix it. I like “cutting my hair” over a few days, like even sometimes it takes a week cause I see little tweaks to make.
Even my 2yo, she wants to cut her own hair, so I’m showing her how to do it very carefully hahahaha.
So, that’s a problem when you get angry sometimes and let it out on your hair. It doesn’t grow back quickly.
The true solution that worked for me, is a little (idk the right word) honest? It’s honest for me to admit, but I don’t know the solution for you, cause it was very unique and surprising. What worked or me was having someone tell me my hair is so wonderful and every piece is important. I had a loved one truly praise my hair. Like over and over again, insisting - no!!! You have great hair!! It’s special. I guess for me, I needed to believe it and I needed permission? I’m not even sure right now hahahah. It’s still growing the longest it’s ever been atm, so let’s check in, in a year.
And I mean, I think this about other people ALL The time. It’s so funny cause you see someone and you’re like “wow they are TOOO beautiful” and then you show someone else a pic of them, and they’re like “eh, that’s not my type” hahaha and your’e like, “what!?” So. It think the point is, everyone has different tastes, so you have to believe in yourself and your beauty.
If you see others looking beautiful, but then you give yourself second-best solutions, you’ll always feel second best.
Growing out my hair is really useful in times like this, too… if I keep my hair nice, even a casual outfit can look nicer when I pay more attention to my hair.
So, I guess I’m pointing out anther sorta “life hack “and longterm investment benefit… I’m so glad I’ve restrained myself and continued to let my hair grow out, because sometimes even at events like this, I’m glad I have it to sorta (😂) display as a backup, to still look nice. This was a super well-dressed event, so I wanted to step up as best as I could, with what I have.
That activity almost made me cry. I held it back. hahaha. I feel like these days, I’m living so boldly and bravely, where most of the time it feels like the only person who can understand myself, is myself. I think that will really change over time - and I’m having fun with a lot of other things in the meantime. But the deep core, few understand and believe in. I think there are 2-3 people in my life that I know of who feel this way about me hahaha. So, writing a letter to someone so special and personal and vulnerable: myself, I took it seriously and went there. I am curious, admittedly, to see what happens within the next few months. I thought we’d get the letters 6 months later but actually it’ll be sent at the end of this year!! Guess I can’t move 😂.
It was very meaningful to take that time in the middle of an event like this, when the mood struck, to take this seriously and write a letter to yourself.
The hosts of that station were awesome, too. They lead a group here in Seattle that hosts events throughout the year. I’d like to check them out more and will report back if I get to. They said mostly they advertise on instagram (a place I’ve LITERALLY never used to find events) so, that’ll be a fun new excuse to go on there more often.
I told them they should come up with a deck and totally big name companies would pay them 3k to write letters to to themselves. lol I almost cried hahaha. And plenty of people doing it, even guys, said they loved it after he wrote his letter to himself.
They started this part time. But they said now they’re doing projects teaming up with companies.
I said they should have this be ‘for the woman’; but expand it so the men write to their wives and daughters too. For the girls. They have good branding.
I did not even wander over there. Cause I knew if I wandered over, I’d get a picture taken. And given the fact that I wa just like, so mediocre about my outfit (I intentionally didn’t really want to stand out at this/any event lately, cause, again, I’m not too interested in introducing myself in the way I used to be when I had my former business and such a direct product/goal. Now it’s more like “figuring out/transiton” period. So, maybe not the most logical excuse for not getting my picture taken, but I just didn’t feel like spending my time with that.
That being said, my loss!!! It looked extremely professional and fantastic.
Well, as predicted… I gave this booth a little more chatter than the others. I sort of taunted the financial advisor. It was friendly taunting, but I was getting excited when I heard his offer. His offer was that you can ask any questions and he’ll answer it within 48 hours.
- Do you want to know my question??? Want to guess? Hahahaha. I gave him two
1. Do you think it’s crazy to think MOASS is possible?
2. Do you think the BBBY bankruptcy was actually a bear trap and the shares will eventually be redistributed in a new form with cash + equity?Hahahha. I think I wrote something like that. I wrote it quickly, and honestly I was a bit nervous typing it out. You know, as much as I “act” brave, it’s definitely still nerve wracking sometimes to say these things hahahah. And I really could have probably worded it better (who knows how I said it exactly) but, I’m glad I asked.
He didn’t read the questions until “tomorrow’ he said, and they’re all submitted anonymously, though you’ll get your answer to you, personally through the system. I wasn’t actually entire sure how it works. But, then I was asking him if he’s going to answer these questions live, on a livestream or something. He said he’s not. I was disappointed to hear it. I told him I’d be curious how someone would answer my question live.
He told me he has a great compliance team, but also he’s worked on this business for over six years, so he’s got a good handle of how to word things too. I just told him that two financial advisors haven’t been able to keep up with me in the past, so let’s see how he does. Hahahah. But… yeah.
This event was the first I was introduced to, I wasn’t ready yet to draw when I first arrived… but after having seen plenty of the event (and they said there was 20 minutes until the keynote or something), I got to work drawing. My picture symbolized a lot of things, but I think it’s about effort and stability. It’s funny cause I drew a similar picture probably 10 years ago when I felt super hopeless. At that time, I remember realizing how helpful (and fun) it was to draw your emotions… so when I realized I wanted to draw something similar again, 10 years later, I was proud of the person I’ve become in teh meantime, and also the way I decided to draw that similar picture. My instincts kicked in and it was sorta a moment to compare and be like “wow! things have changed for the better, huh?”
This was a nice event and the women hosting were nice to talk to, as well.
One of them was even related to the event’s host. They are siblings.
They were the ones who I said could try out a manifestation vision board workshop at the next event. One of them said she had never done it before, and I told her that’s even more the reason to try - and for SURE she can pull it off. Hahah, then I even remember/told her my 2 year old daughter made a vision board with me the other day, for sure she can do it. Also I gave her these two takeaways I’ve learned after attending two back-to-back vision board events, hosted by two people:
TIP 1: paintbrushes + glue are better than glue sticks
TIP 2: use a smaller board when you have groups. Small board = materials feel like more. Just like our cups realization from the “Plan your 2025” event!! Perception, inflation, people… you can do this too!
I think it was so nice having these sorta time-free activities where you can just spend as much time as you want on it. That way I spent all the time there, up till the keynote began
MAN!! What an intro. The event host came into music, choreographed moves, style, charisma. It was a really great entrance - and actions speak louder than words. This set a great tone, and the entire event was super interactive with the audience.
He said this was their third annual event, and he didn’t want to get too emotional but everything happening now visioned it before and now it’s becoming a reality.
“Pray everyone can have that feeling here. Put things in the world and see them manifest. It’s possible. It really is.” He says he’s getting a bit emotional, again. So excited to see this in reality.
Learned a lot about people. Learned this in college. See people step into themselves and be themselves. Feed off other people’s good energy.
This community is taking it up a level every year. Every vendor is people we’ve done business with. Brothers and sisters I have love for. They’ll each speak to you.
Noise suddenly. It’s a drone indoors capturing footage. It’s super loud.
Who likes interviewing for jobs? The testimony of the power or relationships. What is can do for you and change your life. Goes hand in hand with knowing who you are.
Never seen a tone at an event before. Friends idea.
Last three jobs, didn’t interview. All were because of relationships.
Being a loan officer, not many black men in this job. But as a loan officer can serve lots of people and have relationships. The opportunity came from the person I bought a condo from in 2019. A year later he called and asked if I’m looking for a job. I wasn’t. I was doing well in corporate getting opportunities, stocks, shares, and climbing the ladder.
But bring yourself to the table and it’ll all fall just to place. Trust it.
Also working at a community center now. Huge applause to the volunteers here. Many work at the community center.
Family first community center. It’s beautiful facility. Culture based on love and pouring into kids.
Mentor is a spiritual leader, can say great things about him. Ran into him randomly. He hosted a kids youth summit and he was a keynote speaker there. Met him there doing something so special. You put this together? Yeah. This is special. I wanna be a part of what you do in the future. Said his mentor had prayed on it and even knew he was a good man to take over leadership at the community center.
Encourage everyone to lean into the concept of relationships. This environment is very intentional. It’s intentional for you all to meet people. Lots of intention to curate this environment to come here and feel empowered to meet and build relationships.
Hand selected vendors.
This guy has a cleaning company. Now hitrs him. “I don’t like folding my own clothes, blame my grandma for that”.
Free up time. lol and his table broke and made a mess. But he joked he can clean it up. It’s his job.
Realtor here. Made a speech, winging it. It’s hard to be a real estate agent. Met at the community center. Help out the community and give back. See friends and old clsssmates and colleagues show up.
Build a network in your relationships and community.
His own financial advisor is here (at the booth, the one I talked to). And he’s a founder of this event too. He’s like a brother. Thanks to the team. Been here since the first event. Such a blessing to watch it all grow and a perfectly executed event. Financial advisor. Specialize in self employed and someone with sudden bumps of money like selling a home or inheritance. Omg.
Text box to ask questions. Personally answering questions over the next few days. Question: when was the last time you did something for the first time and got it perfectly right? Moral: don’t risk your financial planning and investing to that, I’ll make sure it’s done right the first time and stays like that the first of your life.
What about the idea: be brave enough to try something you might not be good at. Maybe it’s for some, but still…
Girl was attacked by a mental health person. Then she lots about of hair. And then started making their hair and hoodies more fashionable. So she makes affirmation content for black women. Hoodies with satin in them.
Her products are in the Bellevue art museum and online.
Each of the booths came up to speak. The one that stood out the most was the custom suit men:
These other guys were really awesome. They made custom suits. They didn’t give the best speech at first, only cause I was like - okay, they’re really not selling themselves…
Custom suits. Everyone gets a $150 gift card but now I see how this doesn’t work. It cheapens it. Maybe it’s fine. But they didn’t explain what they do or explain. It’s all referrals and discounts. But we should learn about their product. But maybe they get more business. Offering all these services but we need to se how good they are. But you can go over and see. Have an event at your office and let people try out outfits and get fitted with food snacks and such. They’re also trying to get into the prom industry.
He showed off the product way too fast though. Only 2 seconds. Everyone said “wowwww”.
They walked up with class and amazing elegance, but then they only showed off the features of their products for a second to the audience (it was an amazing feature, kinda “overboard” but also “not at all” - they can customize the interior of suits… with like pictures and logos and whatever you want inside!!! Hahah)
They have over 20 measurements that they take of you, they said this all later.
They also kept saying everyone who attends this gets $150 gift card, blue suits are 40% off, etc etc. It felt like a lot of DEALS and not a lot of PRODUCT talk. Maybe that works though, but it’s what I noticed…
HOWEVER. One thing they did offer which I thought was really clever, was they mentioned they have their product look book. But, this product look book only has items for MEN.
They said they DO make women’s suits, and now they want to make the women’s Look Book.
Also asking a favor from women. We will set up a photo shoot for you. We will set up action shots and tailor them. You use them and we can too. Let’s work together and use them for lookbook. Willing to use you. Good offer. Different measurements completely customizable.
Now, their next mission is that they want to make one for women, so if you attended this event, please schedule an appointment with them. They will make a suit for you, but when you come to pick it up, they’ll also book a professional photographer and you all can go out and take photos around town. This will help their business and yours, getting professional photos you can share in your new suit!!
This is a nice offer and actually pretty cool if you’re interested in this kind of thing. Like maybe a Kelly Tutors colored suit!? Hahah. I told them I’ll wait for their pink and purple to go on sale :D
Don’t let Seattle get the best of you. Seattle people don’t like to dress up. You could wear that to the grocery store. Show up to show up. You get the best of Seattle. Look your best be your best. There are a lot of fly people out here.
Be a master networker and connector. To meet everyone.
Everyone here is a piece to your puzzle and if you don’t meet them you’ll miss that piece forever. You won’t know till you know. Meet everyone in here and make the best of what you got
KEYNOTE SPEAKER: A Young Politician
The speaker has been doing great things since a young age. We thought he’d be perfect to speak to you guys today.
Born at a refugee camp. A beautiful baby came out. Met in traumatic circumstances. It’s where we come from. Trying to survive the civil war in Somalia.
We have a lot of problem here from a lot of places. Lots of people from all over. All over. It’s amazing and beautiful actually as everyone sorta bash fully and excitedly shouts out. It’s exciting.
He came up on the stage getting everyone to dance. Lots of raise your hand if blah blah really engaging.
Till second grade didn’t speak the language but mom said it’d always get easier. Took ELL classes. His mom was a preschool assistant. But he couldn’t read or participate. But his mom always helped him study extra.
Shoutout to moms. Mom and dad had many babies. Raise hand if older in family. Wow. Lots of elders. That pressure. To set the barrier and the tone. Being the leader comes from the household I felt like. To be a role model and inspiration. To carry leadership as older l in school. Raise your hand if you ever signed up for anything in school 😂😂😂. Funny ask.
Helped cross the road, schoool greeter, tried to join teams. But didn’t quite work out.
Year by year got better at basketball. But didn’t make varsity in the end. His name is alphabetical top. But it’s not there. Not at the top.
Got invited to to practice squad. Then two guys get eliminated. And he gets put on the team. After advocating for himself. He told the coach he wanted to be on the team. Please please.
Raise your hand if you’re in sports in high school or college. But he should say got reached hahahaha rejected.
Later he was even voted as a team captain. He was a starter and played and had the most points on the team.
First to graduate high school in family. Then got into college. Covid robbed his moment.
But opportunities empower leadership. What about running for office?
Ran for city council in 2022, as a teenager old. Just tried to do it for six months of campaigning. He got accepted and in the board. He’s the youngest city council member ever. Believed in himself and how he can make a difference. Kids can make the difference.
Your voice matters. It doesn’t matter where you come from. It doesn’t make a difference. Your voice can matter.
Is 28 still youth? No. But it’s still young.
I hope I did okay as a public speaker. I’m just a young politician.
They admit they’re running over time. But also there’s one lucky raffle winner for a free suit.
The winner was literally 42069… and no one commented on that. I asked the co/host if that really happened and he just laughed and walked away hahahaha. Okay.
Everyone says that’s for being here so many times.
Listen to attend. Listen to apply.
Build connections and follow up. If not, why even do it? Take pride in building genuine relations. It can go a long way.
Savvy girl wants to sell life insurance not a lot of people know about. Yikes.
Yeah it was a fun time. I was happy to say bye to everyone in the sense it was good vibes. I socialized more than expected but not overload hahahaha
Conference “Overall Rating” Further Elaboration:
VENUE - 5/5
ALLOW ME TO ELABORATE: The venue is really awesome. I liked the setup, the lighting (though it could have been a little darker as the night went on, okayyyy? :D but also it seemed like they only reserved it for a certain amount of time, as well, so they didn’t want anyone getting too cozy. 😁 The venue had a nice setup and a good vibe (though the audio was tough if you were sitting outside of the speakers intended sections for working). It also had nice sections for people to mingle in.
FOOD - 5/5
The food was very good. I liked how many great, delicious choices there were. There were lots of cheeses, fruits, nuts, noodles, desserts, even meatballs with mushrooms!! It would have been too good to be true if the meatballs were warmed up a bit, but, still, even the event host himself said the food was meant to be a surprise, so that’s really nice.
The quality of content to get involved with, learn from, etc - what was presented was so fantastic. I thought it was exceptional and all kinds of learners could benefit from the different experiences. The only suggestion I’d have was to improve your audio setup.
Networking was was more effective than I’d like to admit hahah. Again, I’m still in my pretty “introverted” mode. I’m enjoying being more quiet and observant while kinda in this career shift. I don’t really enjoy introducing myself too much at the moment, until preparing for this event! I realized that I TOTALLY am an entrepreneur tutor… mostly for kids, but even now I’m tutoring people more actively online in my mindset. So, I ended up talking to a number of people at this event. Mostly people who were contributors, cause I could see a big display of what they were doing. I ended up giving a lot of business ideas to the different people. Like, each person I gave one or two ideas to… the DJ (she’s adorable and a legit good dj, she should make videos for YouTube)… the arts and crafts team (do vision boards next hahahah - predicable if you go look at my blogs lately!!hahahah). A few others, I enjoyed chatting with, getting hyped about what is working for them, and coming up with an idea or two of what seems obvious to me that they can do next - to compete and keep up with this wild era we’re experiencing.
Allow me to Elaborate: Sure, of course! This type of event was fun and should be even more useful as my career gets more direction. In the meantime, it was useful, interesting, filled with info, and fun!
Kelly’s Remaining Questions:
What will the financial advisor say to my questions about MOASS and BBBY?
How much do those suits cost (I looked it up, $1000+)
What other events do these guys host?
Was the winning number for the raffle, literally “42069??” and if so, how did no one else notice this and comment… is this group that mature/not noticing things?
How many networking groups are there in Seattle? How does each stand out? What does each offer? Is there a central place to find all of these and compare?
Until next time, I wish you the motivation and success to search for opportunities around your area. Search and explore: Who is out there giving talks? There are new things happening all of the time.
Find relatable or interesting topics you like and check them out! Maybe even something hosted at a cool venue, if there’s no other reason to go. Let’s see what you can learn and discover not too far from home. 😊