Welcome , it’s great you’re here! 👋 This blog will host my notes from each event so I can share the experience with others as I’m learning from industry experts. It’s also a good place for me to store notes & memories for myself!
They always say, “Never be the smartest person in the room,” and we’ve got that covered!! I’m not a professional. Instead, I just enjoy listening to them and learning… and you may enjoy, too!
Ready to begin? Scroll and pick an event below!

Effective Communication Skills for Women in Transportation
Topics Covered: Communication Skills, Leadership, Team Management, Self Confidence, Planning, Goal Setting, Teamwork
This event covered frameworks and practical steps to get your voice heard and help improve systems around you.

Elevate and Manifest Your Vision!!
Topics Covered: Entrepreneurship, Manifestation, Goals, Networking, Small Business, Financial Advisors, Empowerment
This event promised practical insights and takeaways for individuals running their own businesses and actively trying to make their dreams a reality.