Welcome , it’s great you’re here! 👋 This blog will host my notes from each event so I can share the experience with others as I’m learning from industry experts. It’s also a good place for me to store notes & memories for myself!
They always say, “Never be the smartest person in the room,” and we’ve got that covered!! I’m not a professional. Instead, I just enjoy listening to them and learning… and you may enjoy, too!
Ready to begin? Scroll and pick an event below!

Navigating Investors for Funding
Topic Covered: Investing, Financing, Pitching, Investors, Market Research, Proof of Concept, Masters’ Degrees, Community
This event reinforced the essentials of attracting investors to fund your startup.

Modern Marketing Tips for Today’s Trends & Time Coworking
Topics Covered: Marketing, SEO, Trends, Wording, Customer Analysis, Market Research, Omnichannel Marketing, Sales, Coworking, Networking, Proof of Concept.
This duo of events seems like a great way to learn more about marketing trends of today.

How to Found a Life-Science Startup
Topics Covered: Entrepreneurship, Small Businesses, Startups, Health, Medicine, Science and Tech, Marketing, Grant Writing, Financing
Some of these advisors founded billion dollar companies, so they had some experience and advice to share!